Self-Help Pain Points Mapping
I was assigned to create a list of issues that a customer might encounter while reviewing for self-help information. In addition to the issues themselves, I included recommendations for improvement to each issue. This list was used to make upper-management aware of current issues and create a plan with our development team to resolve them.
Samsung Galaxy Campus Article
I wrote this article to inform sales agents of an upcoming sales program that customers would likely contact them about. To get this information, I consulted with the program lead and translated what I learned into a way that was simultaneously accurate and easy for both the agents and customers to understand. I published this information into our Zendesk knowledge base within a larger article related to Samsung sales programs.
B2C Site FAQ Article
Some of the content that I created and maintained at Samsung included B2C FAQ articles built for customers seeking information on various Samsung products and procedures. To gauge what was needed, I would look at metrics provided by our sales team that included information about the questions that they received most, and then use that information to determine the effectiveness of our self-help content and make improvements to that content. In this example, I consolidated several articles into one and made the information more robust and meaningful.
Campaign Planning Diagram
I was asked to create a mock-up of proposed changes to a handful of sites within the domain. The changes represented site treatments of the (then upcoming) winter campaign. This mock-up also includes a full mapping of the customer journey across the various sites from entrance of the main page to checkout. This mock-up was the first of its kind and was shortly used as the requirement for all new site-related campaign treatment proposals.
Customer Journey Explanation
This is the first customer journey-related illustration that I had ever created. My manager needed to get approval for this new process at and asked me to quickly liaise with the PM in charge of doing the technical work for this project, so she could share it with her manager and seek approval. This diagram is a representation of what I learned from that meeting and what I shared with my manager. As a result of this work, she was able to move forward with the project.
SharePoint Site Update Instructions
Early in my career I worked at Microsoft, building internal SharePoint sites for various departments. The SharePoint platform would often get major upgrades to its infrastructure, which meant many changes to things such as metadata, user interface, and overall appearance. I was often one of the earliest adopters of the upgraded platform, so I would take the time to write up instructions to share with my coworkers for how to make the transition. This document is an example of one of the earliest "how to" documents that I created, so it's not as polished. However, it is a good example of my efforts to take a lot of information and break it down into a focused set of instructions.